ISO 9001 certificate

Zeta System is certified by the International Certification Network for implementing and mantaining a Quality System Management which fulfills the requirements of the standard ISO 9001:2015. Click here to see a full copy of the certificate
Delivering Logistics Success

Throughout history, oceans have been the most widely used mode of transportation for businesses. It gives them the ability to expand their operations to international shores without overburdening them with the extravagant cost of logistics.Apart from being cost-effective, sea freight is the most environment-friendly mode of transportation. However, businesses are often riddled with a litany […]
Felix industrial award

We are very proud to have been awarded with the prestigious Felix industrial award given to us by the scientific committee coordinated by the national vice president of Confindustria together with Cerved. Zeta System has been recognized as “The best company both in the logistics and transport sectors, among the best company in Italy with […]
Zeta System – vendita e noleggio containers usati

Zeta System Spa effettua la vendita o il noleggio dei propri container usati presso la sede generale di Matera, Basilicata. L’offerta è rivolta esclusivamente ad aziende o clienti del Centro e Sud Italia. Prodotti adatti ad ogni esigenza d’utilizzo, sia professionale che privato. Offriamo container marittimi o modificati in diverse dimensioni (per altezza e profondità). […]

As we all know by now, the UK left the EU earlier this year and we are now in a transition period that has given both parties time to negotiate a future trading relationship. For the duration of this period, the UK has remained part of the Customs Union. However, it is due to leave […]
CONTAINER VS TRAILER: What is best for Brexit?

Port operators and service providers in the United Kingdom are preparing for a Brexit shift of European cargo from direct import-export routes via Dover to other ports around the country. Uk transport system has been recently heavily discussed because of a post-brexit congestion that could hit the sector. The government, together with the players and […]
Fumigazione – brown marmorated stink bug – obbligatoria per Australia e Nuova Zelanda

BROWN MARMORATED STINK BUG – TRATTAMENTO OBBLIGATORIO PER AUSTRALIA E NUOVA ZELANDA: tra il 01/09/2020 ed il 31/05/2021 alcune categorie merceologiche destinate in Australia o Nuova Zelanda sono soggette a trattamento obbligatorio di fumigazione per impedire la diffusione della cimice asiatica in quei territori. In particolare Break Bulk, Flat Rack e Open Top e la […]
Digital transformation in the freight world

The future of logistics is digital. You have probably heard it too many times already but still, you can’t deny it’s a fact. The freight and logistics sector is no different from any other sector, all hit by the technology wave but only some are on top the wave. Technology can be seen as an […]
Maritime industry infographics

What makes a great freight forwarder

If you are looking for high quality freight services, Zeta System has over 20 years of experience and a great team of knowledgeable professionals. Sea Freight is our core business and we take it very seriously. We also offer a variety of other services that we bring to you in collaboration with our top worldwide partners.